Dogtown Firearms | Conceal Carry | Handgun License | North Little Rock | Central Arkansas | NRA Instructors | CHCL

Welcome to Dogtown Firearms !!  We are here to serve and assist you with your shooting goals. We offer No pressure, patient instruction in getting you your Concealed Handgun license or NRA Certification in Central Arkaansas.  We are currently offering a 10% Discount for Teachers! Also give us a call about a mutli-student discount! You can contact us at

After completing our courses you will have all the tools you need to be an informed, safe shooter and be ready to conceal your firearm.
Unlike other courses available in Central Arkansas, when you leave us you will have completed all the requirements to recieve your Concealed Carry Permit for Arkansas. 
Currently Arkansas’ Concealed Carry Permit is reciprocal with 38 States. Click here for list of reciprocal states.
We will complete all fingerprinting in class

nra intructor

Small, personable classes ensure all of our students get the proper training
